Statue Sponsorship

Padmasambhava himself said:

“For those sentient beings who have not met me, statues of me will in the future become the light which eliminates the darkness of their ignorance. Whichever statues of me are built will become objects of offering, and the future lives of whoever builds them will become meaningful”.

Chokling Tersar Foundation aspires to help bring such representations of enlightenment into the world. Tromge Jigme Rinpoche as disciple of both Neten Chokling Pema Gyurme and Neten Chokling Rigdzin Gyurme Dorje (the Third and Fourth Neten Chokling Rinpoches) invites sangha to offer Guru Rinpoche statues to be placed on the interior walls of the main Chokling Gompa Bir shrine-room. Here you can see a recent video of how some are placed. Your generosity will help complete this beautiful display.

One Guru Rinpoche statue, embellished with gold leaf, costs US$410.

Individuals or sanghas can sponsor a single statue, or simply contribute to the statue fund. All contributions are welcome, and dedications will be noted.

And in the smaller, original shrine-room, where a stunningly life-like statue of His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche sits, many Shakyamuni Buddha statues have been placed on the wall – but space remains for more. (see image below on left). You are invited to sponsor a whole statue or contribute to the statue fund.

An update on the statue fund progress will be given in the fall of 2025.

NOTE: Your receipt will show a donation has been made to the Mahakaruna Foundation.

Chokling Tersar Foundation is currently under the fiscal sponsorship of the Mahakaruna Foundation, the long-established 501c3 charitable nonprofit set up by the late His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche. As such, all donations made to the Chokling Tersar Foundation are processed by the Mahakaruna Foundation and are fully tax-deductible under US law.